DNA Replication

1. DNA Replication is a process of duplication of DNA giving rise to a new molecule of DNA with the same base of sequence as the original in the cell division. This is a major "driving force" of living things.
  • The process is complex:
    • DNA needs a primer - RNA.
    • The enzyme primase synthesizes a small piece of RNA, complementary to the template DNA.
    • The Okazaki fragments are synthesized starting with this primer.
    • The RNA primer is removed by DNA polymerase I and replaced with deoxynucleotides.
    • The ligase enzyme joins the strands.
    • DNA polymerase I also corrects the mistakes. 

2. Semi-conservative Nature of Replication
  •  DNA is synthesized semi-conservatively.
  • Each newly synthesized DNA molecule contains one new strand and one the old one (parental strand).
  • DNA synthesized is bidirectional, starting from the origin.
    Source: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. (2006)
Source: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. (2006)

 3. Mechanism of Replication
  • DNA is synthesized by DNA Polymerase III.
  • DNA - dependent DNA Polymerase - needs a template - the old DNA strand.
  • Needs all 4:
    1. dTTP (deoxythymidine triphosphate)
    2. dCTP
    3. dATP
    4. dGTP
  • Requires a primer - RNA - synthesized by a primase.
  • Has 3' exonuclease activity. Can remove one nucleotide from the 3' end - backspace key.
  • Proofread:
    1. Before proofreading one mistake in 105.
    2. After proofreading, one mistake in 107 + other factors -> one mistake in 109.  
This is the replication fork, where the DNA synthesis takes place:
Source: Thomson-Wadsworth (2003)
This is the picture of DNA Polymerase:
Source: Thomson-Wadsworth (2003)
This is the picture of DNA which is synthesized from 5' to 3':
Source: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. (2006)
 1). One strand is formed discontinuously. Then there are leading strand and lagging strand. Then Okazaki fragments put together with a ligase.
Source: Thomson-Wadsworth (2003)

Source: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. (2006)

Source: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. (2006)
Source: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. (2006)
Source: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. (2006)
Source: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. (2006)

Click this link to watch the video about DNA replication.

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