Genetic Code

         a. Typical Information Flow

The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology->DNA->a RNA->a protein. The central dogma concerns the flow of biological information: DNA is a self-replicating molecule containing genetic information that can be transcribed into an RNA message that can be translated into a polypeptide (protein).
b. Codon-anticodon Relationship 
Codons: Triplets of three bases in RNA that encode an amino acid. There are 64 possible codons (4 bases taken 3 at a time  =  43).
Anticodon binds to complementary codon of mRNA.


c. Initiation and Termination Codon
Stop and start codons:
  • Start = AUG (codes for methionine) - site where translation begins. 
  • Stop = UAA, UAG and UGA - sites where translation ends.

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